Publishers like the agency model since it gives them more control over pricing, and does not train the public to expect all ebook prices to be $10 or less. How much better the agency model is for publishers and authors is unclear, and depends in part on how fungible you think books are, which is a very weird business that I'm still thinking about. It may also depend on how many players can participate on the publisher side. A B&M bookstore can only contain and manage so many physical books, and publishers play lots of dicey scarcity games to get more shelf space than their competitors. ("Stock our whole frontlist and we'll give you an extra 2 points' margin...") An online ebook store's capacity is essentially unlimited, and any number of publishers can play. If there are a million publishers and 999,900 of them sell products at lower prices than you do, your control of pricing is less than it was in the era when it was tough to get your books into stores and a relatively few large publishers dominated the market.
For starters, you will not be browsing fancy showrooms or catalogs to find the best deals in China Wholesale furniture. Wholesale furniture brokers keep their prices down by eliminating a lot of the overhead of a retail sales floor and staff. While the surroundings may not be plush, the savings from purchasing Wholesale furniture from a broker will make it worthwhile. Just keep a few tips in mind when shopping for discounted furniture.Wholesalers tend to buy their stock in bulk for on-site storage. This can increase the chance that some of the furniture has been dinged or ripped a bit along the way. This increases the chance to save even more money. If the flaw or scratch is in a hidden area or is insignificant enough to not bother you, use it as a means to try and get a bit more savings on the final price. Furniture China Wholesalers are more likely to bargain that a retail salesman.
Part of the discount in wholesale furniture sales comes from there being no free delivery service from the seller. When buying wholesale furniture you will have to provide your own truck or van to take your purchase home. Figure in the cost of this to your total expenditure allowance. Remember that the more you pay for the transportation, the less the savings on the total deal.
That's not, however, what I find interesting about the recent conflict. Look closer, and you'll see two fundamentally different approaches to selling a product to consumers: Amazon is selling on the conventional wholesale/retail model,Mobile phone and Apple is selling on an agency model. Amazon wants to buy ebooks from publishers at a wholesale price and make money on the margin between that wholesale price and a retail price that it controls. This allows it to create occasional "loss leaders" to generate traffic, as conventional goods retailers have done as long as anyone remembers. Apple, by contrast, wants to sell ebooks at prices set by their publishers, and take a percentage of every sale.